Friday, April 30, 2010

Keeping An Eye On The Market

We're not open quite yet, but since we've noticed a few hand prints on the front windows, we thought that was a pretty good sign that some of you can't wait to see what's in store, literally!

So put a pair of your comfortable shoes on and let's snoop around!

Things are really starting to come together in the few days we have left until we open our doors on May 6, 7, 8 & 9th!

Some really swoon-worthy furniture (for both indoors and out) has been put in place and continues to quietly wait for the right customer to come along and snap them up,

while lots of one-of-a-kind vintage wall decor is waiting to be hung...

and there's lots of other things already hanging around!

Over here, we feel like we're being watched as we set up the homey vignettes in preparation for our customers to peruse!

We can't sit down anywhere, and we really don't have time to even if we could!

Every nook and cranny will soon be full of the treaures we've been hunting down.
We'll take time to reflect on the great job we've done just before we open our doors. Until then, it's back to work for us, and as for you, well, you'll just have to wait one more week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bonjour Fellow Fleas!

Ready for something really big? How about getting a fresh look for your home at a new once-a-month shopping event-big? How about over 4,ooo square feet of vintage home furnishings, accessories and one-of-a-kind items with très chic prices-big? It's something a "Flea" (take the test in the box at the right to see if you are one!) can really sink their teeth into, and it's coming to Paris Flea Market, 535 Leisure Street in Livermore, CA on May 6, 7, 8 & 9th! We're only open one weekend a month, so SIGN UP HERE to get your monthly announcement full of information and photos about the sales! Au revoir!